Yes to independence =no to Westminster's further impoverishment of the poor. Anti-bedroom tax rally in George Square this Saturday. Gather George Square at 11am.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Monday, 27 May 2013
A Mi Partido
by Pablo Neruda
You have given me brotherhood towards the man I do not know.
You have given me the added strength of all those living.
You have given my country back to me, as though new in birth.
You have given me the freedom that the lone man lacks.
You taught me to kindle kindness, like fire.
You gave me the straightness which a tree requires.
You taught me to see the unity and yet diversity of men.
You showed me how one person’s pain could die in the victory of all.You taught me to sleep in the hard bed of my brethren.
You made me build upon reality, as on a rock.
You made me an enemy to the evil-doer, a rampart for the frenzied.
You have made me see the world’s clarity and the possibility of joy.
You have made me indestructible, for I no longer end in myself.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
The Fight for a Better Left
Essential piece of reading for the left in Scotland -
"The SSP & The Fight for a Better Left in Scotland" by Colin Fox Here
talk to Colin on Twitter... @colinfoxssp
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Yes to Independence! Yes to a nuclear free Scotland!
Entertainment from Acting Strange Theatre company, Rosie Kane, Citizen Smart and others!
Marie Collins will play at the camp again this year - this was her performance last year...
Monday, 20 May 2013
Saturday, 18 May 2013
TV and Bulls...
I wasn’t born until the early 90′s and I missed out on the decade, so watching this program was basically a history lesson for me.
Monday, 13 May 2013
TUFI meeting tomorrow:
West of Scotland Trade Unionists for Independence Tuesday 14th May 6pm: In Auctioneers Bar, 6 North Court, Glasgow (off St Vincent St/corner George Sq - 2minutes from Queen St station).
Now might be a good time to have the SSP around
(Although we are not in the Parliament, we are fighting at council level and on the streets and in local and national campaigns like the bedroom tax, No to Nato, Scrap Trident, save our services and no to cuts! We never went away!)
Sunday, 12 May 2013
The Politics of Envy...
The Etonian millionaires tell us when we talk about the gap between the rich and poor, that these are the politics of envy. Yet their press- the press they, the rich, own and control, every day talks about "scroungers" " skivers" etc living off the state.
They have used this manipulation of public opinion through their media outlets to lower compassion and in turn justify the stripping of meagre funds that people rely on to feed families through unemployment thrust upon them by the monetarist policies of Governments from Thatcher through to Cameron and Clegg's.
Tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth, the Nazi propagandists taught them.
These policies have ensured those who own medical "providers" profit hugely. Some of these companies were formed before the English NHS was tore apart by the Tories and LibDems but who waited patiently until the legislation was thrust into law and now who are buying up the profitable parts of the NHS and are profiting by charging the tax payer exhorbitant amounts of money. Some were American Companies that in anticipation, many of those who you vote for, bought stock in. Insider dealing?
Your politicians have nothing on the Nick Leeson's of this world.
This Government has pushed millions of children below the poverty line while giving tax breaks - and actual tax money to billionaires.
Their politics of envy have led to despair and desperation - suicides and stress related deaths through their ATOS and bedroom tax programmes.
Research has shown that even during the so called boom years of Blair and Thatcher, there have never been enough jobs for everyone. Yet Cameron and his ministers talk about people languishing on benefit as if it were the fault of the unskilled, poor worker.
As if it were the fault of the poor immigrant asking for asylum from Governments who want them dead.
Or the poor immigrant who comes here to find safe, unionised, reasonably paid work away from the Primark, Walmart etc sweatshops in which they could die, chained to their sewing machine making cheap clothes that gives us the impression we have wealth?
Slave workers who die to clothe our poor or "throw away fashionable?"
So- the politics of envy... by stealing money from the poor- chipping away at the small funds needed to keep people above the breadline; impoverishing people and making this narrative of skivers and scroungers and thieving immigrants a prerequisite of political discourse, could someone explain to me what envy is?
Is it political voices saying the gap between the rich and poor is immoral?
Is it the voices who say no child should live in poverty regardless of how difficult their mother or father are finding it to get work?
Or is it the political voices saying that poor people have it too good?
Thursday, 9 May 2013
"We went to war in order to be heard..."
Latin America throughout history has been involved in a battle for its soul. The Spanish invaders were the first to try and claim the continent for its own gains but by no means the last. Today the enemy does not arrive over the horizon in a fleet of war ships, but it flows southwards in the air from Washington.
Mexico is perhaps one of the best known and most visited countries in Latin America. It is famous for its culture, hats, alcoholic beverages and its incredibly hot food. Unfortunately these days the war on the drug cartels and the US’ fight against immigration tarnishes the image of a country that encapsulates the hospitable and easy going nature of many of Latin America’s people. Without doubt however, contrary to the news reports, the biggest problem in the region is not people heading North of the US/Mexico border, it is the Neo Liberal Capitalism that is heading South.
An example of neo-liberal policy is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Apart from opening the Mexican market to cheap mass-produced US agricultural products, NAFTA spells an end to Mexican crop subsidies without a corresponding end to US ones, and drastically reduced the income and living standards of many southern Mexican farmers who cannot compete with the subsidized, artificially fertilized, mechanically harvested and genetically modified imports from the United States. The signing of NAFTA also resulted in the removal of Article 27 Section VII in the Mexican Constitution which previously had guaranteed land reparations to indigenous groups throughout Mexico. One group who are opposed to this ideology and openly stand against it are the Zapatista Army of National Liberation(EZLN).
The Zapatista’s as they are commonly known have an aspiration to do politics in a new participatory way, from the bottom up instead of from the top down. They have been described as Libertarian Marxist and wish to see not only power but wealth spread more equally in their society. Mexico’s political system has been criticised as being flawed as it has a purely representative nature and is disconnected from the people and their needs. It is a country that is deeply divided through wealth and the gap is only getting bigger under the current regime.
The EZLN have primarily used non violent action as a way of demonstrating their cause. Their social base is mostly rural indigenous people but they have some supporters in urban areas and internationally. Their main spokesperson is Subcomandante Marcos. Unlike other Zapatista spokespeople, Marcos is not an indigenous Maya. The group takes its name from Emiliano Zapata, the agrarian reformer and commander of the Liberation Army of the South during the Mexican Revolution.
Along with many demonstrations in Mexico’s southern states ranging from farmers to teacher protests the EZLN came up with the ‘Zapatista Idea’. The Zapatista idea is the use of tactical media to draw public attention to a political cause. Used as a form of political activism, the Zapatista idea is the notion that “the important thing is the spectacle that you make out of an event in the media, as opposed to the event itself”. The concept derives from the Zapatistas’ ability through new media to communicate and generate universal solidarity in Mexico and worldwide. An example of the use of new media technology is through the Chiapas Media Project
The “communications revolution has generally shifted the ‘balance of power’ from the media to the audience”. This has allowed the Zapatista idea to flourish, opening up new channels and providing a powerful forum for political participation by citizens on a scale like never before. “Digital, networked media allow for faster, diverse, two-way communications between users who have both more control and more choice” as they become simultaneously users, producers and agents of social change.
The hope of many of Mexico’s poor and indeed normal working class people lies with the Zapatista movement. In a country where the poor have had no voice for so long, there is suddenly hope. A hope that they will be recognised as human beings along with the corporate elite in Mexico City. A hope that the rural and indigenous population will be given the opportunity to live in comfort and security. For all across the continent there has been a battle for the very soul of the people. A battle which will determine the future of great cultures like the Mayan one, a battle which will either bring justice to the impoverished or more misery for the forgotten people. It is fitting that Mexico, the country of the Zapatista movement, shares a border with America, because it very well could be the battlefront in a war of ideas. YA BASTA! (Enough is Enough)
We don’t want to impose our solutions by force, we want to create a democratic space. We don’t see armed struggle in the classic sense of previous guerrilla wars, that is as the only way and the only all-powerful truth around which everything is organized. In a war, the decisive thing is not the military confrontation but the politics at stake in the confrontation. We didn’t go to war to kill or be killed. We went to war in order to be heard.
- Sub Comandante Marcos
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
SSP Campsie blogger, Neil Scott "Labour Commentators Are Wrong to Pull Independence Debate Ultra-Right" HERE via @huffingtonpost
Sunday, 5 May 2013
A fair Scotland?
Cooperation, democracy, fairness, internationalism, choice. Scotland's future after the 2014 referendum HERE