Glasgow Save Our Schools Campaign
PRESS RELEASE … for immediate use (1st May)
Unity and solidarity begin at home! – Defend May Day traditions against New Labour!
A big contingent of parents, carers, kids and community members from areas savaged by Glasgow city council’s school closure plans will march on Glasgow’s annual May Day march, this Sunday 3rd May, assembling at 11am in George Square.
Glasgow Save Our Schools Campaign organiser, Richie Venton, today said:
“May Day is all about unity, workers’ solidarity, internationalism and socialism.
“So we are proud to mark International Workers’ Day by mobilising hundreds of people against New Labour’s school closures in Glasgow.
“Our campaign has been marked by unity, solidarity, national and international support for our actions. People as far away as Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland and of course the whole of the UK sent us messages of support over the past 3 months of fighting to stop Labour’s assault on kids’ education and communities.
“We will march alongside trade unionists – huge numbers of whom have supported our stance against cuts in education and community facilities.
“We will appeal to them to help us take our case to the Scottish parliament and government
“We are appealing to trade unionists and others to defend the true traditions of May Day against the way the Labour council has trampled those principles in the muck, in their rush to cut money spent in working class communities and hand it over to property speculators instead.”
For more info contact Richie Venton on 07828 278 093
or at
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